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London, SW1P 3QL
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The New Culture Forum's
Conference 2022
The New Culture Forum's annual conference in 2022 was a patriotic conference on restoring national pride & confidence, defending our heritage & culture and celebrating Western Civilization. The speakers were Dr. David Starkey, Peter Whittle, Konstantin Kisin, Calvin Robinson, Prof. Eric Kaufmann, Peter Lanczi of the MCC in Budapest, Robin Aitken, Rafe Heydel-Mankoo, Emma Webb, and Marc Sidwell.
The purpose of this year's conference was to highlight the attack on British history & culture. The nation’s achievements are all too often denigrated, its faults exaggerated and its heroes cast as villains. From Churchill to Nelson, our most revered national figures have been unjustly defamed & their reputations traduced. Our most notable achievements are routinely undermined, often with baseless or irrelevant accusations of links to slavery or colonialism.
These attacks are part of a wider war on Western Civilisation which seeks to portray the greatest civilisation the world has known in an entirely negative light. As national self-loathing gradually replaces national self-confidence, this war of attrition is having a devastating impact on British and other Western societies.
2022 Conference Speeches

New Culture Forum
55 Tufton Street
London, SW1P 3QL
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