New Culture Forum
55 Tufton Street
London, SW1P 3QL
(44) 207 340 6059
Culture, it is said, is upstream from politics. Certainly, we in the New Culture Forum believe that cultural issues are the defining ones of our time.
More and more people are passionately engaged in these issues, but feel there is no outlet within an atmosphere which is dominated by the existence of a liberal/left groupthink. The triumph of cultural relativism and political correctness in the opinion-forming fields of the media, academia, education and culture has meant that this groupthink has become even more deeply entrenched. The liberal establishment sets the terms of debate.
At a time of threat from extremism, the West finds itself besieged from within and without. Too often our enemies and our opinion formers appear to agree that Western culture is indefensible or a source purely of shame.
We, however, believe that the West is in fact a unique bastion of reasoned freedom and that Britain in particular should be proud of the great role it has played in Western education, art and culture.

Peter Whittle, Founder & Director
Since it was formed in 2006 the New Culture Forum has been challenging the cultural orthodoxies dominant in the media, academia, education, and wider British culture. We have forged important relationships within the national political, media and cultural spheres and now enjoy a high profile.
Through our research projects and our events, our highly-praised and influential publications and active media work, we have contributed fresh thinking to the public and political debate on the cultural issues of our time. Our reports are all available to download from this site.