New Culture Forum
55 Tufton Street
London, SW1P 3QL
(44) 207 340 6059
State of Emergency completes the trilogy of the New Culture Forum’s recent set of "culture war resistance" publications, alongside The Long March (2020) and Fighting Back (2022).
This new publication is based on a series of ten pledges that in effect make up the NCF’s political ‘manifesto’, the set of things we believe must happen to save Britain from cultural obliteration.
The pledges will be put in front of candidates standing across the nation in Britain's next General Election. By doing this we will be able to ascertain where those who seek to represent us truly stand on the future of our country.
These ten pledges include an end to mass immigration, overhauling the Equality Act (2010), a ban on blasphemy laws, prioritizing free speech over draconian hate speech laws, a ban on the teaching of contested ideologies, root and branch reform of the education and teacher training systems, etc.
In State of Emergency, the pledges are backed up by a collection of essays which explore and explain the current situation as we see it, and which provide the reasoning behind each one.
The problems this country faces are huge, but they simply cannot be insurmountable. We hope this volume provides inspiration for the millions who care about this country.
To order a copy on Amazon please click HERE